Unit 3: The Multi-Talented Blog
Prof. Evans' list of suggested sites show a wide range of possible blog uses and forms. Not all are up to date, or active, and they reflect the challenges of maintaining a current and interesting blog. Civil War Memory looks like it is well maintained and the blogger puts a lot of thought into the site. He is also using it as a professional tool, which is smart. War Historian looks interesting, but its last post was in July 2016. It has an interesting post from June 2016 sharing the blogger's earlier article, "Why Military History Sucks." As an amateur military historian, it gives a good look at issues in the field. Boundary Stones looks like a useful reference for DC history, but it is hard to read due to its graphics and text coloring. The History Blog is updated and has a wide range of topics. The 26 AUG 2017 post on the damaged coffin is funny and sad at the same time. Women of History offers biographies of women throughout history....