Unit 13 - Project Status Update, Online Data Sets, and Visualizing Emancipation

Project Status Update

     I signed up for an ArcGIS trial account which allowed me to upload files and media.  I looked at a few examples and started playing with the tools/features.  I am still learning, but I have gotten more comfortable with the program.  Editing/controlling the uploaded media is difficult (ie: rotating or re-sizing a JPEG). 
     For research, I visited the Bull Run Battlefield National Park twice and took notes and pictures of the key terrain and locations.  Using several books and online references, I have sketched out a timeline of the battle which will direct my ArcGIS Cascade.
     I am starting with a short overview of the Civil War's start, followed by the skirmishes that led to the battle.  I will then cover the fights on Matthews Hill, Henry Hill, Chinn Ridge, and then the Union withdrawal/retreat. I have the data I need, now I just need to build the briefing.
    My draft is at the following link: http://www.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=ec0a387566354a81b0862f6b9c6a7224

Online Data Sets

http://opendata.dc.gov/  City of DC, Open Government

http://www.nyc.gov/html/data/about.html  NYC Open Data

Visualizing Emancipation

I think this is an interesting data set and a creative way to portray it.  I would recommend the creators add key battles of significant Civil War events to the map to provide context to what was going on and motivating the emancipation events.


  1. When a user goes to your story map, it is not immediately clear what comes next, as there does not seem to be any navigation.. I think that it is some kind of scroll. I also see that there is a image sizing problem. Now photoshop is expensive. Which program are you using? Have you experimented with different story maps? Story Map Tour?


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